Letter to the Editor: Virology is a pseudo-science


Before the allopathic Rockefeller establishment took over in the early 1900s and turned healthcare into a “medical industrial complex”, homeopathic scientists understood (and still do) viral particles as merely the product of dead or dying cells. They are dead, inert and harmless outside the body. Story over.

The Rockefeller establishment embraced Louis Pasteur’s stolen “germ theory”, which supposes that viral particles can invade a body from the outside. Of course, it’s called a theory, because it’s never been proven.

By the 1950s, the pseudo-science of virology was on the rocks, as the germ theory crowd realized that viruses do not reproduce themselves. They needed a different story, and fast. So they selected John Enders’ hypothesis, based on his virus culturing experiment, which attempted to prove that pathogenic exogenous viral particles enter a host’s body and communicate a message, instructing the host’s cells to reproduce millions of copies of the invader virus.

John Enders revealed in his own paper that he performed a control experiment along with his thesis experiment, and that the control experiment proved his method could not demonstrate viral transmission. However, the profit and agenda driven allopathic establishment overlooked Enders’ revelations and adopted his method as the industry standard (still used today) for proving viral contagion- even though Enders himself admitted he was barking up the wrong tree.


Around a year ago, ex- virologist research scientist Dr. Stefan Lanka reproduced Enders’ experiment, including the control, and got the same results as Enders, once again proving that virology’s claims are bunk.

These realities may not sound sexy, but they are solid proof that virology is a pseudo-science, substantiated by flawed methodology. There are plenty of additional arguments to be made against what we’ve known as a virus, but the list is too long.

Louis Pasteur admitted in his diary before his death that he was wrong about germ theory. And Dr. Luc Montagnier, who recently passed, who was one of the main figures behind the AIDS-HIV scam, also admitted that he was wrong about HIV, and that unless a virus is isolated, “you have nothing”. That’s why virologists have their own definition of the meaning of “isolate”.

This is not a political subject, as it’s been made out. This is about truth, and about many people being hurt by an unnecessary vaccine, based on a virus that was never isolated, whose genetic code was derived “in silico” by sequencing software, not by direct study of isolated, whole SARS-COV-2 particles. This is all confirmed by CDC. I’ve submitted letters to the editor on these topics.


Now, as predicted, comes the new scam of moneypox. People have had almost three years to question the narrative, and their own beliefs. But it looks like most want to remain ignorant and scared. Like Don, who got a drinking degree and the usual college indoctrination propaganda that monsters like Pasteur, Koch, Salk and the rest of the allopathic animal torturing Rocke-fellas’ have helped save us. This country seems to be filled with uninformed know it alls like Don.

On the other hand, there are many professionals trying to enlighten the world, who are labeled with all the regular terms, like “conspiracy theorist”, etc.. Some of these sources are Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Drs. Mark and Samantha Bailey, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Amanda Vollmer, and Steve Falconer. Their goal is to dispel the lies of modern allopathic medicine and return us to homeopathic based preventative health care. IMO, Dr. Andrew Kaufman is the best communicator on this difficult subject.

Question dogma, you may be surprised the illusion we’ve lived under for a century. It’s up to you, who want a better future for your kids to make that future, by putting in the work, to question and find real truth. And then, to stand tall, holding your stance, wielding the weapon of truth.

Robert Milne
